Author Topic: Who do you listen to other than Cable?  (Read 59601 times)


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Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« on: August 14, 2006, 09:31:41 am »

In an attempt to open the forum up a bit so that each thread doesn't end up as a 'when are Cable going to reform?!!' thread (although that's what we're all here to found out!), I thought I'd ask what bands people listen to other than Cable?

My favourite bands (other than Cable, of course) include: Mr. Bungle, Vision of Disorder, Faith No More,  Emperor and Primus.  A nice blend of genres there I think, from Rock to Hardcore to Black Metal!!

So what about you other guys?  What bands do you listen to other than Cable?




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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 12:21:22 pm »
Alright mate,
                   Good Question. I listen to a lots of music, This is what's been in my CD player this month
Soundgarden 'Superunknown'
Smashing Pumpkin, tracks off many differnent albums
The Police 'Synchronicity' and 'Zenyatta Mondatta' and 'Reggatta De Blanc'
Bill Frisell 'Brill Frisell Live'
Herbbie Handcock 'Empyrean Isles'
Kelly Joe Phelps 'Slingshot Professtionals'
Squarepusher 'Music Rotted one note' and 'Budakhan Mindphone'
The Cinamatic Orchestra 'Everyday'
Refused 'Shape of Punk to Come' (Checkout there DVD its amazing)
Thom York ' The Eraser'
And loads of stuff on Myspace

Thats it really

« Last Edit: August 17, 2006, 07:01:14 pm by Greg »


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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 12:32:21 am »
I love Helmet, Reuben, Sleater Kinney, Sonic Youth, and the Pixies to name a few. My own band plus maintaining this site doesn't leave me as much time to listen to music as i used to but i can still listen to stuff in the car or whilst adding content to SubLingual.

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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 11:38:20 pm »
I like loads of different stuff, some bands i like are Super Furry Animals, Pixies, Garageland, Number one Cup J J Cale... the list would go on forever but i also love techno and house, a bit of underground old skool dance, reggae, anything thats funky and makes you want to dance!


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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 09:15:34 am »

Wow, so Cable fans listen to a wide range of stuff then!  I guess it's a testament to Cable's all round greatness that they manage to appeal to rock fans, metal fans and techno and house fans!

It seems that Cable fans have got open minds when it comes to music, which is good!  Though, Pixies seem to be a recurring theme in people's answers - I suppose Cable have got that same quiet/loud thing going on.

Greg, where's a good place to start with Soundgarden?  I've always wanted to give them a try but haven't got round to it, so would you care to recommend a first purchase?  Thanks, dude.

Cheers, guys



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 11:43:54 am »
Alright there,
                    The Thing with Squarepusher is he, (His name is Tom Jenkinson) his music is dievese and kinda has earras. The album I would go for is called 'Music Rotted One Note' Its the one Radiohead ripped of with Kid A and the other electrica album they did.

Its pretty far out on first listen so don't put it on all in one go (unless your brave). I would start with the track 'My Sound' then work though the album as normal. You have to sort of desencertise to his music and when you do you'll realise he's a genuis!

Hope that helps



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 06:59:29 pm »
This month I have mostly been listening to:

Soulwax - Nite Versions
Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Future ex-Wife - Miss September / While Your Husbands Away
Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped
The Wonder Stuff - Escape From Rubbish Island
Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die
They Might Be Giants - A User's Guide To...
Winnebago Deal - Flight Of The Raven
Lowgold - Keep Music Miserable
Mclusky - Mcluskyism
Tool - 10,000 Days
gohomeproductions - various mash-ups

Hold on there a goddam second!


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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2006, 11:24:20 am »
Ahoy, Tim!

That's quite a mix there and a couple of bands I've never heard of (Lowgold and gohomeproductions) which I will have to check out!

Tenuous link, but I was gonna get the new Tool album until I saw Tool at Download festival.  The singer (Maynard James Keenan or something like that?) was such a jerk - I felt like he treated everyone with such contempt, he seemed to be in serious danger of disappearing up his own arse!  So I refuse to buy their album as a protest - I don't wanna line their pockets!  That said, I do actually enjoy Tool.  Maybe I will get 10000 days after all!

Greg - thanks for the info on Squarepusher but I asked about Soundgarden! PMSL!  Never mind, mate.  I'm gonna track down some Squarepusher anyway since you went to the effort of telling me about him.  Cheers, man.

Thanks, guys,



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2006, 11:51:06 am »
Hello Corporate,
                         If your going to get any Soundgarden albums get 'Superunknown' its a classic. Thats one of my favourite albums ever. I'm going to Leeds this weekend Really looking forward to see Pearl Jam Matt Cameron is playing drums for them. It got to be great!!

Nice one

« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 01:37:14 pm by Greg »


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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 12:16:45 pm »
Ahoy, Greg!

Cheers for that, buddy!  I'll get hold of copies of 'Music Rotted One Note' and 'Superunknown' and let you know how I get on with them.

I'd forgotten it was the Reading/Leeds time of year again!  I was considering going to Reading this year but decided that there weren't really enough bands I'd wanna see to justify it this year so I went to Download instead.  Are you heading off for Leeds today?  Have a great time there, dude!

Cheers, mate 8)



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2006, 12:26:36 pm »
Well a little of what ive been listening to this week is

Super Furry Animals - Radiator
Speedy J - Loudboxer (Really hard buzzing techno)
Gruff Rhys - Yr Atal Genhedlaeth
Inland Knights - Family Duels
CHi - Sincerity is a boy called del - Long defunct Edinburgh indie / Punk band that supported Cable amongst others

And mixing  loads of house / techno 12"'s on the decks


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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2006, 01:54:18 pm »
Alright Corprate,
                          I went to Leeds. It was good, I think the Radio One tent was banging this year I saw Metric who  are ace and probably my favrouite band I descovered this year. Saw Forward Russia (Its funny whatching your friends on a stage that big). I had to whatch Slayer they were good, Placebo were slick as and Pearl Jam were on fire and from what I've seen of the other headliners they blow everyone else off stage. The reason why I say this is because they don't need loads of big flashing lights and smoke and Backing tracks to make them sound good and to put on a good show.

Coroprate you did the right thing, I only went on Friday as they were alot of rubish on the rest of the weekend. The two other bands I would have liked to seen were The Cribs and The Research, I always support my friends.

Hope everyones well



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2006, 10:22:42 am »
Ahoy, Greg!

I'm glad that you enjoyed Leeds.  I saw a bit of Reading on BBC 2 on Sunday night (or possibly Saturday?  I forget...) and I think I made the right decision not going - it seems like Reading/Leeds were riding the crest of this indie wave that's going on at the moment and so all of the bands I saw televised were proper indie shite - apart from Pearl Jam and Slayer! 

I think that Reading/Leeds toned down the rock a bit this year to appeal to the people who would've gone to Glastonbury and, in doing so, put off the people who would normally go (i.e. Me!).  Oh well, I guess they've gotta sell tickets!

I agree with you about not needing flashing lights, smoke, etc. to put on a good show - mostly, if people put on shows full of smoke and pyrotechnics, it means their music isn't all that great (Rammstein, I'm looking in your direction!).

Take care, mate



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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 01:21:22 pm »
Reading has slowly become a mainstream/indie festival, I saw so many great bands there over the years but it does seem to concentrate on what?s big at the time rather than anything else these days and this was my second year of not going.

My first year there was 95 and they had Juliana Hatfield, Beck, Deus, The Butthole Surfers, The Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, The Foo Fighters, Mudhoney, Soundgarden, Neil Young (back by Pearl Jam no less), Pavement, Bjork amongst others why haven?t we had a line up like that in recent years?

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Re: Who do you listen to other than Cable?
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 05:14:58 pm »
Hi Damon,
               In answer to your question I have no idea?. The first Leeds festival I went to was ace the line up on the main stage had Rage against the mashine Def Tones Slipknot Beck "A" Gomez Etc.. I wonder if it has something to do with not many big bands have albums out at the moment.

I would have loved to have gone to Reading 95 with that lineup Smashing Pumpkins Soundgarden Beck WOW. Something to see for sure.!

Hope everyones well
