Author Topic: Bands on the tribute..  (Read 38869 times)


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Bands on the tribute..
« on: September 20, 2006, 09:18:42 pm »
thought i'd just throw some links down of the bands on the CD. imo some of the finest bands in this country right now, so go check em out.....

1. In Flight program
Blistering alt-rock from Derby. Kinda prog-core with tunes...

2. The Killerest Expression
Catchy as hell melodic rock on In At The Deep End. They've been away for a while but i think they're coming back very soon.

3. Tom Vek
Fat ass alternative dance tunes from the master. He was on the OC once. Like the dismemberment plan with a  killer beat. nice.

4. Stapleton
Long serving UK indie legends. One of teh most underrated bands we have. fact.

5. My Awesome Compilation
Arguably the Uk's biggest pop-rock band. Awesome hooks, killer tunes.

6. Knives
Birminghams answer to Shellac. Riff, screams, weird get the idea

7. Get Cape. Wear Cape Fly
So hot right now! His album's even going top 20 apparently. Great electronic lead folk songs.

8. Swound!
Anothe rising newcomer. Swound! mix up blinding hooks with some serious alt-rock vibes. If they were a cable album, they would be Sublingual.

9. The League of International Super Best Friends
Side project thing dreamt up by Justin from You Code Name Is: Milo, this time featuring Gordy from Bloc Party. The first one of many super group indie collaboartions. or so i'm led to believe

10. Lost Alone
Rising rockers from Derby. Massive massive tunes, and weirdly, big in Germany. You probably don't know much about them now, but they will be huge soon.

11. Econoline
Like Stapleton these guys have been quietly leading the undeground scene for years now.

12. Fixit Kid
Have been bashing out their own brand of sleaze rock for ages now. Peel loved them, that's good enough for me.

13. Tellison
One of teh best new UK bands right now. Mixing anthemic tunes and heartfelt melody, just lots and lots of good shit piled up high!

14. Pocket Promise
Up and coming band, coming from Ireland, living in London. Pop-alt-rock at its finest. Yes. And those with sharp eyes will notice the reference...

15. Dave House
Surrey's finest acoutci-emo duder. They love him over there, and rightly so.

now go have a look/listen


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Re: Bands on the tribute..
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 09:52:19 pm »
Cool, i just checked a few out. I realise now that i have heard Tom Vek before. Looking forward to ultra violet.


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Re: Bands on the tribute..
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 11:50:34 pm »
I checked out swounds myspace page and they are brilliant, i cant beleive they're unsigned. They sound a lot like Cable,  im looking forward to hearing their cover.

Hey thats bad shit with your flat getting burnt..   Hope all is well and its not too bad.