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General Cable Discussion / One year ago and the Demo EP.
« Last post by mogwai on November 21, 2013, 09:39:08 pm »
Well, a year ago I and three mates, after travelling up from NW Kent, were having a little pub crawl of Derby and looking forward to something i never thought would happen again....yes, Cable were playing. We all, everyone there, were treated to a fantastic gig with the friendliest audience i have ever come across and, the love between band and fans was more than evident with the night, happily (and drunkenly) elongating at Bar One. On that night i purchased the Demos EP and whilst travelling home the following day, decided that i would save playing it until after the gigs with Hundred Reasons thereby giving me something to look forward to when Cable were (sadly) gone again. The Garage gig was announced before i played it so i thought i'd wait until other dates were (hopefully) slated. Unfortunately, and heartbreakingly, this (so far) hasn't happened so today i finally listened to it and wasn't in any way dissappointed, i didn't for a moment think i would be, it is brilliant but having now played it, i can't help thinking, depressingly, that (unless anyone hopefully knows differently) Cable won't play again.

Oh please, PLEASE Cable, do it again!!

General Cable Discussion / Re: Video from Garage show
« Last post by Si on October 17, 2013, 08:30:43 pm »
I have a great video of a couple of songs on my FB page that my mate took, including freeze the atlantic, any idea how I can save it as a file?
General Cable Discussion / Re: Cable Sublingual Mixes CD!
« Last post by Si on October 17, 2013, 08:23:31 pm »
Good shit Daryl!
General Cable Discussion / Cable Sublingual Mixes CD!
« Last post by daryltaylor on September 28, 2013, 02:13:48 pm »
Got this Cable Cd and wondered if anyone knows anything about it, It's the Sublingual Mixes and the track listing is different to the final release. It also has Tick Tock Alarm Clock as track 6 in stead of Brothers And Sisters which is track 7. Not too sure but think there might be a few changes on a couple of tracks or I might be imagining it. Track 2 is called ghostbusters which is Pocket Promise. Think it could be a studio copy they make to check the final version.

General Cable Discussion / Re: Cable Rarities
« Last post by rp61 on May 20, 2013, 11:40:45 pm »
I'll put it up as soon as I've cleaned it up a little. Needs a little more low end and balance, which I'm hoping to get done this next week when I visit my mate's studio.
Sweeeet! Sounds good to me, look forward to hearing your recording.
And hope the work on it goes well...
General Cable Discussion / Re: Cable Rarities
« Last post by jake74 on May 18, 2013, 10:04:26 am »
I'll put it up as soon as I've cleaned it up a little. Needs a little more low end and balance, which I'm hoping to get done this next week when I visit my mate's studio.
General Cable Discussion / Re: Cable Rarities
« Last post by rp61 on May 18, 2013, 04:59:30 am »
Just doing some audio grabbing from tape -> Mini Disc -> Mac of a home town gig in 96… I've not seen this one mentioned anywhere
When you're finished transferring that will you have any plans to share it on a torrent site maybe?
Would love to see that appear on DIME...
What's the sound like?
General Cable Discussion / The Question we're all thinking:
« Last post by Si on May 15, 2013, 07:18:03 pm »
Bit of fun cos I'm bored...
General Cable Discussion / Demo's and unreleased cd back in stock!
« Last post by daryltaylor on May 08, 2013, 10:07:59 pm »
Just letting anyone that missed these brilliant cd's that Banquet Records have got 22 copies back in stock. Yay!
General Cable Discussion / Video from Garage show
« Last post by Damon on May 04, 2013, 11:26:51 am »
I saw loads of people filming the garage show and am surprised not a lot of it has started appearing on youtube.

Anyways, here are a few that i've managed to find -

Brothers and sisters -!

Pocket Promise -

Seventy -

Oubliette -
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