Cable Discussion > General Cable Discussion

Darius Interview

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There seems to be quite a few drummers on this forum!  Did Cable inspire you all to start drumming, then?

Sorry, I don't have any meaningful questions for Richie (though, on reflection, my questions for Darius weren't especially meaningful!).  I will say that the drum sound throughout When Animals Attack is amazing - the kick drum sounds sweet!  Also, I love the drum intro to Ultra Violet!

I guess I would ask Richie:

What is your favourite Cable song to play live?

Favourite non-Cable album?

Listening to Richie's solo stuff (which I really like, by the way) on myspace - are Foo Fighters a big influence on you?

Favourite ever gig you played with Cable?

Best gig you've ever been to (i.e. not played at)?

I'll try and think of more questions!  Oh yeah, Greg, just what is a Big Track??!



Hey Greg

No im not from Derby, im from Edinburgh. I was only  just starting to learn to play drums when i tryed to learn God Gave Me Gravity, my tutor was pretty good but Rock music wasnt his thing really, maybe thats why he coudnt work it out.
Isnt Big Trak some odd remote controlled trucks or something that Riche used to collect?  He used to have a site about his collection years ago,there was a link to it from that long gone Cable site that i foget the name of.  Come to think of it that site, had some of the early peel sessions on it, but back then i only had a 28k modem so it took forever to hear them, so i never did.

I remember those sites, there was Cable i.e., The Unofficial Cable Home Page and of course the official Cable site (which for an official band site had the longest and most confusing url in the world)

Both Cable i.e and The Unofficial Cable Home page had loads of MP3?s including rare demo?s, live tracks, peel sessions and loads of other stuff. It?s a shame they are gone and it was through a lack of Cable on the web that I created this site.


        placidcasual, Its a great feeling when you nail that groove or pattern thats done your head in for the past week. Nice one!

As for the Big Track, its a programable moon buggie/ truck kinda thing. They really are good fun too. I'm sure Richie can elaborate more on it.

Being from Derby I was lucky enough to study with Neil Cooper. He showed me some real great techniques that helped me refine my playing no end. Thanks Neil, nice one. He's one of the reasons why I chose to do what I'm doing now.

I bet if you asked Neil about his Cable days I'm sure he'd be up for a chat about it. If I remember correctly he may of produced some of the early Cable demos that got them signed. (I Think). He'll know all the facts.

Richie's Snare sound on When Animals Attack is amazing. I think his snare sound is his signature. I spoke to Richie some time ago about that snare he told me that he'd sold it (Gutted). I would bort it off him any day. I think it was a Ludwig standard size 14" with a Remo Ambassedor on the snare side and a CS batter on the beater side and it had die cast rims as well. I saw it in the Derby drum shop one day, I had to check it out.

I think its safe to say that Cable had some dam good drummers with strong musical personalities. Which I think really played a big part in there sound.

Hope everybodys well

Drums are the best. :D


Agreed, Neil and Ritchie were oustanding drummers, very unique, gave Cable that powerful driving force.


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